Posted on 9/27/2023

What are the different types of Headlights? Seeing where you are going is important for your safety. When it is time to replace your headlights you want to make sure you get the right replacement headlights. If you are looking for brighter lights or trying to be more energy efficient, there are different choices to meet requirements. The three main types of headlights are: LED, HID or ‘xenon’, and halogen. Halogen headlights Halogen headlights have been the standard for many years and are still the most common headlight in use today. They are affordable, last a long time, and are easy to replace. However, they are not as energy efficient as LED and HID headlights and tend to generate excess heat. LED headlights Light emitting diode (LED) headlights are relatively new to the scene. Unlike Halogen and HID lights, LED lights generate almost no heat and their low energy requirements help preserve your  ... read more
Posted on 11/28/2022

In the colder months pests such as rats, raccoons and even insects may look to make a home in your car. To keep pests out the best thing is to use preventative measures such as not leaving food or drinks in the car, not parking under trees or on dirt and not transporting plants in your car. Pests are sometimes present because of environmental conditions such as storing pet food in your garage or with colder weather the warmth of your engine. If you find your vehicle is occupied by something other than you or your intended passengers, here are some tips on what to do: Give the vehicle a thorough once over inside and out to determine what type of bug you are dealing with. You should also check out the areas where your vehicle is regularly parked. This could be both at home or at work, there will most likely be a larger infestation of whatever you’re dealing within very close proximity. Ants - Put a few drops of peppermint essential ... read more
Posted on 2/21/2022

Buckling up is the single most effective thing you can do to protect yourself and your passengers in a crash. It is extremely important to make sure all children riding in your car be properly secured before every trip. Thousands of children are injured or killed every year because their child passenger safety seats are not installed properly. Remember, most collisions occur within a mile of the home - so buckle your child in a safety seat for every trip, no matter how short. Current California Law: Children under 2 years of age shall ride in a rear-facing car seat unless the child weighs 40 or more pounds OR is 40 or more inches tall. The child shall be secured in a manner that complies with the height and weight limits specified by the manufacturer of the car seat. (California Vehicle Code Section 27360.) Children under the age of 8 must be secured in a car seat or booster seat in the back seat. Children who are 8 years of age OR have reach ... read more